Campaign Medals

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U.S. Medals

Soviet Medals

Medals for Liberation

Established June 9, 1945.  These medals were awarded to all servicemen who were directly involved in the liberation of the following cities as well as for the officers who led the operations.  Over 1,155,000 liberation medals were awarded.  The medals are made of brass and are shown in the order listed.

For the Liberation of Belgrade
For the Liberation of Warsaw
For the Liberation of Prague

Medals for Liberation of Belgrade, Warsaw, Prague

Medals for Capture

Established June 9, 1945.  These medals were awarded to all servicemen who were directly involved in the capture of the following cities as well as for the officers who led the operations.  Over 2,480,000 capture medals were awarded.  The medals are made of brass and are shown in the order listed.

For the Capture of Budapest
For the Capture of Koenigsberg
For the Capture of Vienna
For the Capture of Berlin

Medals for Capture of Budapest, Koenigsberg, Vienna, Berlin

Medals for Defense

These medals were awarded to all servicemen who were directly involved in the defence of the following cities as well as for the officers who led the operations.  Over 5,490,000 defence medals were awarded.  The medals are made of brass and are shown in the order listed.

For the Defense of Leningrad. Established December 22, 1942.
For the Defense of Moscow. Established May 1, 1944.
For the Defense of Odessa. Established December 22, 1942.
For the Defense of Sevastopol. Established December 22, 1942.
For the Defense of Stalingrad. Established December 22, 1942.
For the Defense of Kiev. Established June 21, 1961.
For the Defense of the Soviet Polar Region. Established December 5, 1944.
For the Defense of the Caucasus. Established May 1, 1944.

Soviet medalsSoviet medals



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